We Buy & sell the best viral videos.


We protect creators' content libraries from IP theft across major social platforms and collect ad earnings wherever possible.

Copyright Protection

We take our exclusively licensed videos and distribute the best across our owned and partnered channels, that earn over 100 billion views annually.

make your videos go viral

For every ad dollar we are able to collect you get 70% of the revenue

GEt paid


  • Every licensing company in the market offers its own unique value proposition and focus. VIRALIZED is primarily focuses on providing a direct return on investment for the creators.

    If we’ve reached out to you, it’s because someone from our team believes you have an amazing video with a real chance of going viral. License your video with us if you want the world to see your amazing clip.

  • Exclusively licensing a video means that the licensing company, individual, or entity that acquires the license has the sole and unique right to use, distribute, protect, or monetize that video in accordance with the terms of the agreement. When a video is exclusively licensed to a party, no other party is permitted to use or distribute the video in any way that falls under the scope of the exclusive license. In simple terms, you remain the sole owner of the video; however, you are partnering with the licensing company to manage the clip for you.

  • Yes, we offer you 70% of the revenue your clips earns

  • Your videos will be posted on VIRALIZED social media pages and potentially partner pages as well.